2021-2022 has been a successful but challenging year for us as the global pandemic continues to have an effect on our organisation and the global community. This year World Youth International celebrated 34 years of operations which has been an incredible journey for us. First founded in 1988 by the late Robert Hoey, so much has been achieved over these past 34 years, starting with our very first program to the Soviet Union in 1990.

In alignment with our purpose, objectives, aims and values, we have continued to create opportunities in the health and education sector providing quality health services and education for children. This financial year, the World Youth International School complex in Gokarna Nepal celebrated 22 years of operation with the inclusion of Year 11and 12 in the school’s curriculum, enabling all students to complete their high school education at our school. 26 students sat for their SEE exams this year. Four achieved an A+, 14 received A’s, and eight students received a B+ once again making our school one of the top schools in the Kathmandu Valley which we are all very proud of. A special thanks goes out to Computershare and their staff worldwide for their support of our school project, to Ma’am Radha Uprety for her dedication and leadership and to our teachers in Nepal.

This financial year has also seen the 20th year celebration for our Sapana Dreaming Centre of Humanity in Nepal. Looking back over this time, we have made an incredible difference to the lives of many less fortunate children. Many have gone on to tertiary studies enabling them to have the best possible future in their own lives. Unfortunately, because of Covid and international travel restrictions during the year, our 20-year celebrations were kept to a minimum at our complex, but it was shared with much enthusiasm by our students, teachers, staff and community members.

In Kenya we have continued to support and provide quality healthcare services at the WYI Mama Ann’s Odede Community Health Centre for thousands of patients in the Odede region. Previously, a new Maternal Health Centre was opened providing additional pre and post-natal care for mums and their newborn babies. This past year has seen:

  • 17,100 patients treated at the community health centre

  • 374 children vaccinated against malaria in accordance with the World Health Organisation program

  • 239 babies delivered

  • 4797 women/children received maternal health care

Many thanks go to B1G1 and their supporters worldwide who have continued their support for the Community Health Centre and to Mr. Fred Mito in Kenya for his leadership, direction and dedication to this project.

Support has also been provided to over 80 local women through the Livelihood and Community Goat Project, allowing them to create small income businesses within the community.

With the return of international flights, we have finally been able to plan for our Nurses in Action and GAP programs for the coming financial year as many nurses eagerly await their adventure for this exciting and rewarding program.

As in the previous years, we have been fortunate to have the support of our corporate partners, Computershare, B1G1 and many supporters Australia wide. As with most charities, World Youth International relies on the support of many people. My thanks go out to all of these people that have supported us, as you are all truly appreciated.

Finally, thanks to our Sport’s Ambassador, Jamie Young from the Western United A-League who has supported us and WYI Nepal over the past three years and now our latest Ambassador, Mr Hugh McCluggage from the Brisbane Lions AFL team, who will be joining us in Nepal this November 2022.

To our General Manager Terry Hoey, our Board members, Katy, Rachel, Gabbi and Ann Hoey. Our staff including Ann Shuttleworth, Bhumika, Chloe and Tim, thank you. Our Patron Joanna Giles and WYI Ambassador Helen Zahos. Thank you. A huge thank you also to Ann Shuttleworth who has been responsible for ‘The Mango Tree’ orphan program in Kenya which has now completed after our support for the past ten years.

Together we all make it possible to continue our work and our vision.

To educate, empower and inspire positive change within our global community, through the legacy of Robert Hoey.****

Ralph Hoey AM Chairperson Order of Australia - Order of Nepal


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