World Youth International is responding to meet the needs of students within vulnerable communities of Nepal by joining #GivingTuesdayNow.
GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity that takes place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.The day is designed to drive an influx of generosity, engagement, business and philanthropy activation, and support for communities and non for profits around the world.
At a time when we are all experiencing the impact of the pandemic, generosity is what brings people together across the globe. Generosity gives everyone power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is a fundamental value anyone can act on. It’s a day for everyone around the world to stand together and give back in all ways, no matter who or where we are.
World Youth International are participating in #GivingTuesdayNow to draw attention to impoverished countries around the world who are suffering the most. There are countries where people cannot access basic supplies, do not have access to running water or even have the infrastructure to stay connected, that will suffer the most. It is these vulnerable populations that need additional emergency support to help in their recovery.
“I am so pleased to see that around Australia, children have been able to return to school. Those that are unable to return to school have access to some amazing off-site learning programs so they can continue their studies,” said Jamie Young, Brisbane Roar FC Goalkeeper and Ambassador for World Youth International.
“Unfortunately, children in developing countries do not have these opportunities. Children and their families who have been impacted greatly by the pandemic do not have the same access and support that we do here in Australia. I am currently providing a World Youth International School scholarship to a child in Nepal and have been advised that this School’s community is facing severe hardships. There are no government stimulus packages being offered and very few Nepali people are working. General expenses like food and fuel have tripled in price and families are really suffering. All schools have shut down and there is no infrastructure in place for children to be educated remotely through online learning programs.”
World Youth International believe in the power of education to not only benefit and empower the life of children, but also the wider vulnerable communities, and they need your help now more than ever.
“Education is crucial for breaking the cycle of poverty so many families have lived in for generations in Nepal. For most families, their children are the first generation to be literate, and to have access to education at all. The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the community,” said Terry Hoey, General Manager of World Youth International.
“As a global community, we can mourn this moment of extreme crisis while also finding the opportunity to support one another. We each have the power to make an impact with acts of generosity, no matter how small, and to ensure the sustainability of organizations and services that are crucial to the care and support of our communities,” said Asha Curran, CEO of GivingTuesday.
“#GivingTuesdayNow is a chance for us to stand united and use grassroots generosity to show that we are all in this together, beginning to end. Even as many face financial uncertainty, generosity is not about size. We all have something to give, and every act of human consideration and kindness matters.”
World Youth International are now collecting donations on behalf of the World Youth International School in Nepal and need your support. All donations received are fully tax deductible and funds will be used to sustain the School during these difficult times. Your donation will allow World Youth International to pay teacher’s wages, maintain the school grounds and prepare for the return of the students in the not too distant future. Please open your hearts and donate generously via