19 year old student Jock used his summer holidays to embark on our Global Adventurer's Program (GAP) earlier this year with his friends Hannah and Jess to help make a difference to the lives of people living within rural Kenyan communities. We got in touch with Jock and asked him about his experiences on the program.
Jock is a full-time University student studying a double degree in Law and Business at ACU. His favourite things to do to include playing football for Fitzroy and undertaking in activities such as surfing and music.
His motivation for participating in the Global Adventurer's Program was having a passion for achieving things bigger than himself but mentioned that finding avenues to do so is difficult.
“The GAP program was an amazing opportunity to experience something different and help make a serious difference,” Jock highlighted.
Jock explained how many people his age travel on holidays to party, but that didn’t appeal to him as much. He wanted to go on a trip that could make a real difference to people’s lives. He was so glad for this opportunity because it enabled him to meet amazing people and experience culture, while also making a difference.
Jock fundraised for his Global Adventurer's Program through online fundraising across his social media platforms and small events for his friends and family, where food and drink were provided in exchange for a small donation. He also worked with Kenshi Candles to fundraise money through their business. Kenshi Candles is a social enterprise that was created by Liam Foldi, Jock’s younger brother.
How the Global Adventurers Program impacted Jock personally:
It broadened Jock’s global perspective, allowing him to experience different kinds of people and cultures. The experience of volunteering and travelling improved his skills of:
- Independence
- Maturity
- Leadership
- Decision making
The Global Adventurer's Program opened Jock’s eyes to the world and made him truly value the relationships made in his personal life. He expressed the friendly and inviting nature of Kenyan people, allowing him to see the way all people should be treating each other, no matter the circumstances.
“My time in Kenya made me value the environment I have been brought up in Australia, and the opportunities I have here,” he shared.
Challenges Jock faced:
The Global Adventurer's Program came with a few challenges for Jock, like anything does. He mentioned a need to be constantly switched on. He felt very safe, but it was essential to remember that he was in a foreign environment and must always be aware of his surroundings.
Something Jock has always found quite easy was public speaking. So, teaching a class of 50+ kids everyday wasn’t a struggle. However, the medical aspects of the program, like assisting the Nurses In Action Volunteers in the treatment of hospital patients, pushed him outside of his comfort zone and required more effort than he was used to.
Moments from the program that stood out for Jock included playing soccer with kids from Odede Community Health Centre.
The donations that Jock collected before he went on his program helped fund the following items:
- A slide for the Yala Township
- Stationary items for Yala township and St Paul’s E.C.D, including pens, pencils, colouring books, paints and crayons.
- New sports equipment for both schools to enjoy, including soccer balls, a pump and a whistle.
- Posters and artwork to hang up in classrooms
Thank you Jock for all your support of World Youth International, and your efforts on the Global Adventurer's Program. We wish you all the best in your university studies!
If you’re also passionate about giving back and want to plan future trips supporting vulnerable communities, sign up in advance to the Global Adventurer's Program here. Get in early so you are ready to go when travel restrictions ease!