Thank You to our fantastic Team Leaders Toni Trevor and Jeneane Allen for their guidance and leadership on the most recent Nurses in Action programs held in Nepal and Kenya!
8 wonderful Volunteers travelled to Nepal for the Nurses In Action program in October. During their time in Nepal, they supported local communities with health education, and delivering crucial health camps and services! They treated over 80 patients at a homeless centre early on in their placements, which gave them the opportunity to jump right in and really see first-hand how vital these health camps are in providing access to care and treatment. Throughout their placements, they continued working within the hospitals and health camps, and even hosted a health education session to women from a very remote village at the top of the mountains. A few years after the devastating 2015 earthquake in Nepal, thousands of people are still homeless and extremely vulnerable to issues such as flooding, as well as having little to no access to basic services such as healthcare. We're very proud that through our Nurses in Action programs, we can provide support for local communities and our partners who are struggling to support Nepal's homeless people, and very lucky to have amazing teams of volunteers bringing them healthcare.
Thank you to our wonderful team of Volunteers in Nepal: Toni, Tammie, Hollie, David, Felicity, Bridie, Emily, Maneesha, Madeleine, and Krystel.
Also in October, 8 volunteers attended the Nurses in Action program in Kenya, bringing with them abundant nursing and allied health experience to the small community of Odede. One of the highlights of the program was the Children’s Day held at Mama Ann’s Odede Community Health Centre. Over 60 children attended for a fun education activities. Our Volunteers sung songs with the children, practiced counting in English, and hosted a session on handwashing and dental care. This included demonstrating how to use a toothbrush and wash their hands with soap. Dental hygiene is a huge issue for people living in poverty in Kenya. Many families don't have the ability to purchase toothbrushes and toothpaste regularly, and as a result the Odede Health Centre often sees both children and adults suffering from dental issues. Unfortunately dental care in Kenya is extremely expensive, and so the best way to prevent this is for kids to learn dental hygiene early, and have access to toothbrushes! The children were supplied a nutritious meal, which gave them the energy to continue on the day’s activities of skipping and playing football. Every week, the Odede community's most vulnerable children gather at the Health Centre to play games, receive health checkups, and receive a nutritious meal. These children live in extreme poverty and will often only get one meal a day. To support initiatives like Children's Day at Odede Health Centre, visit our Gift Catalogue.
Thank you to our wonderful team of Volunteers in Kenya: Jeneane, Susanne, Leanne, Debbie, Kaye, Ashlee, Liz, Carol-Ann, and Lauretta.
What an effort; huge thanks to these amazing teams of nurses who helped make such a difference by bringing professional and quality healthcare to those who need it most.
Learn More about the Nurses in Action program by clicking here.