World Youth International are extremely grateful for the efforts of the Computershare employees who recently embarked on a trip of a lifetime, for the Computershare/Change A Life foundation's Trek Nepal 2019, to raise funds towards children’s education in Nepal.
The Trek Nepal 2019 team consisted of 21 Computershare employees from across Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong who hiked strenuously for 6 days through the Annapurna Mountain Ranges in the Himalayas. Exceeding their initial fundraising target, funds raised will go towards the World Youth International School in Nepal, ensuring that it can continue to support the many local children who may not otherwise receive an education.
Computershare employee Annie Xiong from Yarra Falls in Victoria said: “The trek in Nepal was a truly amazing experience for me. I absolutely loved trekking through the mountains and valleys as well as walking over the many bridges with the rest of the team. We challenged ourselves with thousands of steps. The support we gave each other was excellent.”
The Trek Nepal 2019 team celebrated the end of their adventure with an action-packed day at the World Youth International School. It was a beautiful opportunity for the team to see first-hand how Change A Life's donations were improving the quality of education for the children within the community. They were officially welcomed by the School's Chairperson Radha and her team, who expressed their heartfelt gratitude for Computershare's continuous support of the School's projects. After a tour of the grounds, they broke into groups and hosted educational activities for some of the students before playing a friendly game of cricket.
Lewis Brimelow from Computershare Brisbane's office said: “I’ll never forget seeing the kids so happy, behaving so respectfully and making the most of their chances at such a great school.”
Stuart Irving, CEO of Computershare, said: “I’m really proud that this year’s Computershare Trek Nepal team were able to raise such a huge sum for the World Youth International School. All 21 members put in hundreds of hours of time to fundraising and walked together for days, so should all share a great sense of achievement."
“Our Change A Life foundation focuses on projects that provide long-term solutions to communities that need support, and the progress that the World Youth International School is making is really exciting to witness.”
While Nepal’s overall poverty rates have decreased over the past decade, two-thirds of its children are still deprived of at least one of seven basic human needs. With 40% of Nepal’s population under the age of 18, providing support to educate and empower Nepalese children is vital so they can develop the skills to successfully grow into self-sufficient adults.
“Nepal experiences many development challenges and a large proportion of the population live below the poverty line. A sincere thank you to the Trek Nepal 2019 team for completing this wonderful fulfilling adventure,” said Terry Hoey, World Youth International General Manager.
“It was so exciting following the team’s journey while in Nepal, and having them experience the culture that they are generously supporting. Just by being there, the trekkers brought so much happiness to the students and staff of the World Youth International School. The ongoing dedication and passion of the Trek Nepal team as well as the rest of the Computershare community is much appreciated.”
Read more about Trek Nepal 2019 and meet some of the trekkers here!