World Youth International has created and adopted the following HR Policies for our staff which are available for sighting by members on request, by contacting our office at

  1. Alcohol and Other Drugs Procedure
  2. Code of Conduct
  3. Confidentiality
  4. Discipline and Termination of Employment
  5. Fire and Emergency Evacuation
  6. Grievance
  7. Induction
  8. Information Technology
  9. Smoke-Free Workplace
  10. Jury Service
  11. Leave Without Pay
  12. Long Service Leave
  13. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare
  14. Parental Leave
  15. Performance Appraisal
  16. Personal Leave
  17. Position Descriptions
  18. Probationary
  19. Recruitment and Selection
  20. Recruitment of Former Employees
  21. References
  22. Resignation of Employee
  23. Sexual Harassment
  24. Training and Development
  25. Travel and Expense Reimbursement
  26. Unauthorised Removal of Company Property
  27. Workers' Comp Medical Release Authority
  28. Workers' Compensation and Claims Management
  29. Workers' Compensation Work Injury
  30. Workers' Compensation Rehabilitation
  31. Workplace Harassment and Bullying
Have a question?   (08) 8340 1266

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