Hi there

Angels for Africa (AFA) was founded by an Adelaide woman almost 20 years ago, following a volunteer trip to Kenya with World Youth International. Since that time Lyn has volunteered with AFA and we've assisted with their projects during our previous trips to Kenya.

AFA fundraises in Australia, and partners with needy Kenyan schools to assist with projects addressing sanitation/hygiene, education, water harvesting etc., and also has a major focus on self sustainable projects. In addition, AFA contributes to the cost of constructing classrooms and toilet blocks. For more information regarding the work of AFA please visit http://www.angelsforafricanchildren.org.

AFA has recently begun working with the Mawani Comprehensive School, approximately 100kms south west of Nairobi. The school is currently in need of funds for improved infrastructure with some classrooms and toilet facilities incomplete.

Your tax deductible donation towards projects at Mawani is most appreciated!

Cheers Scotty

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